Angelo Bible Church welcomes children of all ages! Nursery up to 3 years of age for all services. Bible Study for children from 4 to 12 years 9:30 am on Sunday morning. Children’s church 4 years to 4th grade. Children will be dismissed after worship on Sunday mornings.
In addition to worship at 10:45 am, an adult Bible study class is offered at 9:30 am. In a discussion format, these classes cover either Biblical topics or individual Bible books.
The Sunday evening service meets at 6:00 pm and provides an opportunity to worship together and study a topic or individual book of the Bible.
On Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm, a devotional is offered, followed by a season of prayer for the church, its members, and other needs.
Men gather for breakfast, study, and encouragement at Men’s Breakfast on the first Saturday of the month. They meet again on the third Saturday. Both meetings run from 8:00 to 9:00 am at the church.
Ladies meet at 6:30 pm on the first and third Tuesdays for prayer, study, and fellowship at the church.
See the Events page for special service and fellowship times throughout the course of the year.